
 Dr.A.S.Adikesavan, Ph.D.

About me
*Retired as Head, Department of Mathematics & Computer Applications,
National Institute of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering College), 
Tiruchirapalli 620015, TN, India in 1996.
*Since then I have been devoting attention to global goodwill (non-violence, unity and care) relentlessly, by writing to   print   media on sociological and political issues.
*Published a book titled “Faiths & Proximate Truths” that analyzes “The Triad: Philosophy Religion Science.” The book comprises a series of interactive essays hovering  around eclecticism and globalism that promote global unity and peace. The book includes apposite and innovative global- goodwill proposals: punitive model I(P, C) for judiciary, constitution of the federation of world States,  et. al.  

Ph.D. in Mathematics, 1978, University of Madras, India. 
M.A.  in Mathematics, University of Madras, India.

Professional Service
      1995-1996: Controller of Examinations & Head of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications, National Institute of Technology (Regional Engineering College Trichirappalli), Tiruchirappalli.  
       1993-1996: Controller of Examinations, RECT.  
       1965-1996: Faculty for 31 years at RECT, with additional responsibilities listed below. Nominated Member,     Board   of Governors, RECT; Member, Academic Council, RECT; Hostel Warden; Elected Director, REC Co-operative Society; Convener, Audio Visual Committee, RECT; Elected Secretary and Vice President, RECT Faculty Association; Chaired IFUCTO meetings; Addressed UNESCO, Madras Centre meetings; Indian Correspondent for American Mathematical Monthly; Reviewer, ISTAM; Research guide, Bharathidhasan University, Tiruchirappalli; Entrance Examinations Examiner, in confidence, for some Institutions and Universities; Specialist service in Computer Programming and Computational Methods; Organized innovations in Science Exhibitions. 
       1959-1965: Faculty for 6 years, teaching Engineering mathematics for B.E. students at College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai (now Anna University).
       1959-1996: 37 years of teaching Mathematics for Under Graduates, Graduates including research guidance for M. Phil. and Ph. D. research scholars.

A.S.Adikesavan, The rate of change of Hypervolume is Hypersurface,
Math. Student, 1972, pp 305-307.
A.S.Adikesavan, A note on Taylor’s theorem,
Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math., 11(4), April 1980, pp 444-449.
 A.S.Adikesavan & S.Narayanaswamy, A modification of Goka’s binary sequence,
Fibonacci Quarterly, 17.3, 1979, pp 212-224.
A.S.Adikesavan, The Equi-Adian Property, Math. Student, (1-4)1969, pp 9-13.
A.S.Adikesavan, Circular Nomogram, Def. Sc. J., 21(3), 1971, pp 149-154.
A.S.Adikesavan & A.Arumugam, A mathematical game of reaching an island in a deep lake with the aid of a rope, Def. Sc. J., 24(4), 1974, 171-174.
A.S.Adikesavan, Summation of certain series, Nieuw Archief Voor Wiskunde, 1970, pp 303-304.
A.S.Adikesavan, Contributions relating to Taylor series methods in numerical analysis, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Madras, 1978.
T.K.Puttasamy & A.S.Adikesavan, Stoke’s phenomenon of certain third order differential equations in the neighbourhood of an irregular singular point, Analytical Methods in Mathematical Physics, Gordon & Breach Sc. Publishers, 1971.
M.Subbiah, A.S.Adikesavan & M.R.Krishnamurthy, Comments on single-winding single-phase inductor alternator, IEEE Trans. in Aerospace and Electronics, AES 14 (2), March 1978, pp386-388.
A.S.Adikesavan, Advanced Problems solved/proposed, 5492, (proposed and remaining unsolved) 5761/1968; 5880/1972; 5882/1974, Mathematical Treasure on the web from American Math. Monthly, Mathematical Association of America:.
A.S.Adikesavan, Fortran 77, Shanmugapriya Publishers, Tiruchirappalli, 1978.
A.S.Adikesavan & S.R.Balasundaram, Clour Graphics in Basic,
 Lokanayaki Publications, Chennai, 1991.
A.S.Adikesavan, Faiths & Proximate Truths, The triad: Philosophy Religion Science,
Maven Learning Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 2010.  

Publications in Dailies and Weeklies
Opinions, Views and Comments
The Hindu (www.thehindu.com), A.S.Adikesavan
(Democracy Triumphs) 26 Dec 2008, (Misusing Internet Facility)10 Dec 2008, (Interest in the unusual) 12 Mar 2006, (Mixed lot) 26 Feb 2006, (Proactive stance)18 Nov 2005, (Urban Planning) 25 Sep 2005, (Back to school) 24 Jul 2005, (Condemnable) 14 Sep 2004, (Manmohan speaks) 6 Sep 2004 and (Two-child norm)14 Oct 2004.

Tehelka, A.S.Adikesavan
 (Budget in tough times) 17 Jan 2009, (Impartial frame) 3 Dec 2005 and (Forced Holidays) 1 Jan 2005
Quite some more were published in Deccan Chronicle, The New Indian Express and Times of India